India got involvement for it that they should get freedom but they never broken a policy of culture to grow. I thought that the girl will play a intelligent game and she will win but she played like a country who just wanted freedom for culture.
A culture needs upgradation by the policy when a country grow but India's favored a policy that meets it roots and they created a environment to teach, learn, and work.
I agreed with it that United States has also the same policy but they tried to create a cultural friendly technology for themselves.
Technology is the root for US now and some other countries in Europe but a country like India is depend on method to achieve from its their friends all around.
I'm very funny in the country like India but a friendly person but if I tried to move in US, I need to adopt a policy according its governance not according its people.
Government is voted by people but its administration is not depend on any person who voted for it, I'm dreaming for the day when people will learn to create a strategy around voting for government's administration.